OVERVIEW.ZOO contains a short overview on the components of the TeX system. The original name of the article is "The components of TeX"; I put all the sources in a single archive and named it OVERVIEW.ZOO to make it fit the name restrictions on the Atari machines. The overview is written by J.Schrod (who also placed the sources on the german TeX server) and contains two very helpful pictures for a beginner. For more informations see the README. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contents of OVERVIEW.ZOO: README ETEXKOMP.TEX FIGKOMP.TEX FIGTOTAL.TEX NAMES.STY TEXREP.STY ETEXKOMP.PS (PostScript output of the above; DIN A4 format) OVERVIEW.TXT this file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ralf Gaertner gaertner@rz-berlin.mpg.de FHI Berlin